Now Seeking Community Involvement in Campbellfield Proposal through Virtual Online Engagement
8 July 2021
Today, Sims Resource Renewal, announced the opening of a three-week, online engagement event designed to provide a platform for the local community and interested stakeholders to get involved in its proposed Campbellfield resource renewal facility.
Since our last online engagement late last year, investigations on the proposed resource renewal facility at Campbellfield have continued which has informed our decision to not to progress with electricity production at our facility in Campbellfield. Instead, our intention is to produce hydrogen.
The feedback we have received to date from the community has and will continue to shape our proposal. We have greatly appreciated the time taken and efforts made by members of the community to provide feedback and their involvement in our proposal to date.
We will use proven, advanced technology to transform the material left over from metal recycling into market ready products. Initially we will produce a “glass-like” product to create aggregates for construction material and hydrogen for industrial use.
We are also investing in research and development at our first pilot facility. This way, as our technology advances, we can shift to producing new products and operate a truly closed loop system.
We continue to explore ways that we can partner with our local communities, for example on environmental initiatives or through jobs and training. Our aim is to deliver genuine and tangible benefits from the Campbellfield proposal, as well as at future sites proposed for development.
New Jobs and Industry Development Opportunities
In addition to the environmental benefits created through Sims Resource Renewal, our facility will create new jobs and industry development opportunities in Campbellfield and its surrounds.
Subject to necessary environmental and planning approvals, construction of the proposed facility is expected to commence in late 2022, with the facility operational by late 2023.
Feedback can also be provide via email, connect with us via Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram or simply complete the enquiry form.